Investing in You: Education and Development
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is an academic health sciences centre affiliated with McMaster University and Mohawk College. We strive to employ the best qualified candidates and believe in the development of our employees.
Employees are encouraged to continue learning and developing skills to advance their personal goals and continuously meet best practices standards.
As an academic health sciences centre, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton is pleased to support ongoing professional development opportunities for staff. The following education grants are available to support continuing education and training of our employees.
St. Joseph's Healthcare Education Fund
St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation and the St. Joseph's Health System are proud to award funds to St. Joseph's Healthcare employees to support on-going education opportunities.
To learn more and apply, click here.
Pre-Paid Leave Fund - Planning to take a leave to go back to school?
The Payroll Department at St. Joseph's Healthcare offers an exciting new program which allows 20% of an employee's salary to be banked for a period of four years. When the employee returns to school on a leave in their fifth year, they can utilize their banked salary for general living expenses and/or tuition.
Employees also have access to ongoing in-services and e-learning opportunities. Please click here for more information.