High School (Co-Op) Placements
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH) is committed to excellence in teaching and learning and as such provides a variety of placement opportunities for High School Co-operative Education students throughout the calendar year.
The Volunteer Resources Department, Charlton Campus, is responsible for coordinating and managing the High School Co-operative Education program on behalf of St. Joseph’s Hamilton Healthcare.
St. Joseph’s Hamilton Healthcare participates in the Central Placement Process where all placements are coordinated through one central Board representative. As a result, all requests from Hamilton Wentworth District School Board and Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board students and teachers for Co-op Education placements must be referred to the appropriate Board Representative. Individual placements cannot be arranged directly by the student or teacher.
Co-op placements are available for the fall, winter and summer terms. Students must obtain and submit a student application form through their co-op education teacher at their school prior to the deadline. All applications, interviews and pre-placement requirements are coordinated through the school board representatives.
What are the Pre-Placement Requirements?
- Students who accept a placement will be prompted to register to our Learner Onboarding System called Nirv. All instructions will be sent to the student directly.
- Students will be required to complete a mandatory health screening and various elearnings through Nirv.
All pre-placement requirements will be communicated to the student through the board representatives or their co-op teacher upon acceptance into the co-op placement.
For more information on the High-School Co-op program at St. Joseph’s Hamilton Healthcare please contact:
Volunteer Resources Email: voluntee@stjoes.ca Phone: 905-522-1155 ext. 32774