Recognizing Excellence
We want St. Joe’s employees to know they are respected and appreciated for the significant contributions they make to our organization and hospital community. We are proud to hold several special events throughout the year to properly acknowledge, honour and demonstrate our deep appreciation to the extraordinary employees and volunteers so deserving of our praise.
These events serve to highlight and recognize the remarkable commitment and dedication of these skilled and valued individuals. Please see how at Job Seekers > Recognizing Excellence.
Recognizing Everyday Excellence
Are you a St. Joe's Miracle Worker?
More than 80% of the donations our Foundation receives are from grateful patients and their family members who are looking for a way to say thanks for the care they received at St. Joe’s. That’s why our Foundation established the St. Joe’s Grateful Patient Program.
This innovative program allows patients to say “thank you” to their very own St. Joe’s Miracle Worker by making a donation in support of our Hospital. It also offers our staff the chance to learn how much they have touched the lives of the patients they serve, and how deeply their compassionate, professional care is valued by our community.
Since the St. Joe's Foundation began the Grateful Patient program, 1239 staff and 144 care teams have been recognized. Individual staff members receive a special Miracle Worker lapel pin and teams receive a framed certificate they can display in their care area to let patients know they’ve been recognized.
For more information about this program, to nominate someone or if you want to display Grateful Patient brochures in your area of the Hospital, please contact Amanda Leahy, Director, Database, Donor Services & Annual Fund, at 905.522.1155 extension 35980 or aleahy@stjoesfoundation.ca
For a full list of our Miracle Workers, visit the Foundation page on MyStJoe’s (note: this link will redirect you to the hospital internal intranet).