How to Prepare for a Placement
If you are currently not approved for a placement, click here.
What you need to know as a learner at St. Joe’s
as a health professional, non-clinical learner, and high school co-op learner.
The health and safety of our workforce and patients is paramount. Vaccination is critical to protecting our patients and one another. We require all learners to get vaccinated.
All learners must complete an attestation form AND submit their vaccination receipts before the start of the placement.
All learner medical documentation shared with OHS/VP Education Office is maintained in strict confidence. This information will only be reviewed by OHS and the VP Education Office, and will not be shared with your supervisor/manager or any other St. Joe’s employees.
If there are any questions, please contact VPEducationOffice@stjoes.ca.
For most non-nursing, health professional learners, your school ID will act as an ID badge while on placement at St. Joe’s. Please confirm with your placement supervisor. If you do require a St. Joe’s badge, please arrange an appointment with Security, via your placement supervisor to obtain one. When you arrive onsite, show the email confirming your security appointment at screening, and then to security to obtain your ID badge.
Staff, Physician and Learner entrances at each campus (click here to view and download site maps)
- Follow screening, hand hygiene, and use PPE as per protocols.
- Complete the doffing/donning of PPE module in St. Joe's Nirvsystem as part of your onboarding.
- Complete the Hand Hygiene (2014) module in St. Joe's Nirvsystem as part of your onboarding.
- Throughout your placement follow surveillance and infection control principles.