Recognizing Excellence
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH) employees are expressly recognized, appreciated and valued for the work and expertise they bring to our organization.
SJHH has several events to honour and acknowledge the contribution that employees and volunteers make to our hospital community. These events serve to highlight and recognize the remarkable commitment and dedication of these skilled and valued individuals.
- Milestone Recognition Teas – The Recognition Teas are held at all 3 hospital campus sites – Charlton, West 5th Campus and King Campus – where employees and volunteers reaching milestone years of service are recognized and presented with their commemorative pin – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service are recognized. Pins are awarded to honourees by the President and Executive Team members.
- Quarter Century Club – An annual Quarter Century Award Service Dinner is held for employees who have completed 25 years of service. These employees and a guest, are invited to a special ceremony which features dinner and entertainment. In addition, these employees will be presented with their pre?selected gift in recognition of reaching this 25 year service milestone. Employee Individuals, Team Mission & Values Awards and Corporate Patient Safety Star Awards are also presented at this time.
- 25+ Service Recognition Reception – This event also recognizes staff who have completed more than 25 years of service. Honourees are acknowledged for their significant contribution and pins commemorating the milestone are presented by the President and Executive Team members.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton also holds various events throughout the year to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of its employees. To learn more about the events listed above or others, please contact events@stjoes.ca.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton employees also enjoy the benefits of receiving numerous discounts for various events, attractions and retailers. Click here to see a complete list of the incredible discounts offered to St. Joe’s employees!